Wednesday, January 26, 2011

no uniform solution

Let's face it uniforms are not a fun idea and if you state some of these facts you could save your school from uniform nonsense.Uniforms may make students look sharper and secure their enviorment, but they do not raise the school's achievement level. Uniforms can sometimes be scratchy and uncomfortable for the student who is wearing them.

So it might not be the best idea.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. One positive thing to consider, at least you always know what you are going to wear in the morning. It saves a lot of time, especially for parents!

  3. This is a boy after my own heart. My suggestion: one spiffy, dress uniform, to be worn once a month, with RIGOROUS requirements (eg, no belt, some consequence...). The idea here is that the children get a sense of what uniforms ARE, and the sense of pride and self-worth that comes with adhering to uniform standards. Plus, when leaving the campus, hopefully the students will appear to be the happy geniuses that they are, rather than hobo babies.

    Meanwhile...the rest of the month, the sweet darlings could wear a more relaxed dress code, so that the scratching and general annoyance of uniforms would not interfere with their intellectual pursuits.

  4. I love you mother for saying that because my teacher doesn't.
